





ラフマニノフピアノ協奏曲第3番 広上淳一指揮/新日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団 (オーチャードホール) Bunkamura主催: 「遂にベールを脱ぐ、噂の本格派ピアニスト」、“的確なタッチと透明感あふれる音色を駆使して大器の片鱗をうかがわせた”(音楽の友)、“しばし呆然とするほどのすばらしさ”(月刊Piano)

ラフマニノフピアノ協奏曲第2番 小林研一郎指揮/日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団 (サントリーホール)

ベートーヴェン合唱幻想曲 現田茂夫指揮/神奈川フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 (神奈川県民ホール)など。






またキャノン後援・英国赤十字社チャリティのリサイタルをロンドン・ウィグモアホールにて開催し、全国紙The Independent “An entertainer”(Mr.Michael Church)、隔月刊誌Musical Opinion “a very fine performance to end a memorable recital”(Mr.Alexander Leonard)で高く評価される。


Yoshikazu Jumei’s prodigious musical talent was discovered when he was very young. At the age of eight, he was featured in a TV programme broadcast nationwide on Japan’s station NHK. He won third prize at “Student Music Concours of Japan” (1984), and during high school became the youngest finalist at “The Music Competition of Japan” (1987), the competition which is publicly recognized as the gateway to becoming a successful musician. He graduated top of the class at High School in Japan.

In 1991, while attending the Hochschule der Künste Berlin (Berlin University of the Arts), Yoshikazu Jumei was awarded 3rd prize at the 40th ARD International Music Competition in Munich, and shortlisted for solo finalist at the Busoni International Competition. He graduated from both the Hochschule der Künste Berlin and International Piano Academy of Imola in Italy, where he studied with Klaus Hellwig, Boris Petrushansky and Leonid Margarius.

Yoshikazu Jumei launched his professional career in Europe, performing as soloist and in recital at many of the major music festivals; recording and featuring in a live programme on SFB, Berlin’s Freedom Broadcasting. The major orchestras he has performed with both in Europe and Japan include the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra Berlin, Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, New Japan Philharmonic and the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra.

Yoshikazu Jumei has received critical acclaim for his performances, “…Like a colossal picture …with astonishing technique” (Lausitzer Rundschau, Germany). And his recital in 2008 at Hamarikyu Asahi Hall in Tokyo was ranked as one of the top ten best concerts of the year by the popular music magazine in Japan called “Ongaku no Tomo” (Musical Friends). He has also featured in the culture section of “Mainichi Newspaper”, one of the biggest national newspapers in Japan, and in the article written by Tokihiko Umezu with the headline “Construing Concerts; Schumann by Yoshikazu Jumei, and Andreas Staier’s New Interpretation of Underlying Grief”. This was also included in his book entitled “Instruments of Vermeer” published a year later.

Recent activities include performances at the Yokohama International Piano Gala Concert, and an appearance on the TV program “Pianopia” aired on the national broadcasting NHK BS. He also received critical acclaim for his recital in 2011 at Tokyo Bunka Kaikan “… a superb pianist with an extraordinary musical flair” (Musicanova Magazine, April 2012), and for his recital in 2013 at Wigmore Hall in London for Canon sponsored tsunami benefit concert organized in association with the British Red Cross “…the shading and ornamentation were handled with such grace and charm that one could at last see why this man is such a big pianistic voice in his native Japan.…had come out as an entertainer.” (By Michael Church, the Independent, February 2013) “…was notable for somewhat unstated underlying pulse, betokening an uncommonly thoughtful and penetrating mind…a very fine performance to end a memorable recital.” (By Alexander Leonard, MUSICAL Opinion Magazine, May June 2013)

Yoshikazu Jumei has served on the juries of many Competitions including “Student Music Concours of Japan” devoted to educating young musicians, and was instrumental in the training of those who won the first prizes at “Tokyo Music Competition” and “PTNA Piano Competition”

17岁在被喻为古典音乐跃龙门的日本音乐大赛上成为最年轻的决赛选手,并以首席毕业于音乐大学附属高中。 1991年获得第40届慕尼黑ARD国际音乐大赛第3名。在柏林艺术大学与伊莫拉国际钢琴学院(Accademia Pianistica Internazionale "Incontri col Maestro)获得diploma(专业文凭)。 作为钢琴独奏家,与巴伐利亚广播交响乐团、柏林交响乐团、东京都交响乐团、新日本爱乐乐团、日本爱乐乐团等国内外诸多管弦乐队协奏演出。在东京举办的音乐会都获得了很高的评价。其中2008年在浜离宮朝日音乐厅举办的音乐会,≪每日新闻≫则以“精读音乐会:寿明義和与施泰尔的舒曼=梅津时比古◇以崭新的形式表达心灵深处的悲怆”为题,做了大篇幅报道,翌年被收入单行本随笔集≪扬·弗美尔的乐器≫,并参加NHKBS节目“pianopia”、横滨市招待国际钢琴演奏会及特别公演。2013,在伦敦威格摩尔音乐厅(Wigmore Hall)举办了佳能后援·英国红十字会的义演音乐会,获得英国≪独立报≫以及英国古典音乐杂志≪Musical Opinion≫很高的评价。历任东京音乐大学讲师、全日本学生音乐比赛评委等。